The A-Team

It is not the first movie about a team of supercool soldiers – and it is definitely not the most last. Neither is it worthy of any other praise such as most innovative or most cerebral. But what The A-Team is, is a great action movie with awesome one-liners and even better sequences which make you want to do a wolf-whistle ! The best is the flying tank – its worth watching the movie for that sequence alone !

The movie is about a team of 4 maverick soldiers – Captain ‘Hannibal’ (Liam Neeson), Lt ‘Face’ (Bradley Cooper), Bosco and mad-as-a-hatter pilot Murdock – who do really crazy special ops for the army. From the opening chase scene, their credentials and lunacy is established and the movie never lets you down from there. Their craziness, camaraderie and good cheer is infectious – and you can make out that the four actors are having a lot of fun.

For the alpha-team in the movie however, things don’t go so smooth and soon they are framed for something they didn’t do. Dismissed from the army and incarcerated in prison, they must get back together to prove their innocence and expose the villains. The plot is as hackneyed as they come, but the scriptwriters have mixed the stunts with the story in perfect measure. So every 3 minutes you have one kickass stunt or some cool explosions – or usually both.

Most other big budget explosion fests (like the terrible Transformers 2) concentrate on creating spectacular setpieces, but fail to involve the viewer in the rest of the movie. The A-Team however draws you into these four guys – the cigar-chewing Captain, the dimpled-smile womanizer ‘Face’, the hotrod-worshipping Bosco and the nutcase pilot keep an impossible banter going. Especially Murdock and Bosco – its just impossible not to laugh at their antics. And which is why the A-team is a recommended fun watch

Sure its not for the cerebral types – but if you are looking for some harmless fun, this is definitely the movie to watch.

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