
The movie joins the endless list of movies who show great promise in the first half but then fizzle away in the second half. Infact this one does something better - it explodes a pie in your face and you are like "WTF" !!

The first half has Will Smith in a parody of a superhero role - boozing his way through his life, smashing and destroying things without a care. Then he meets a PR guy, who sees a great branding opportunity in him - and befriends him. He invites him to dinner with his family, where his wife gives Hancock mysterious looks and Hancock too is attracted to her ...

After that, the movie just goes for a free fall. I wont tell you the entire story but lets put it this way - its not worth finding out. The second half becomes a stupid emotional drama devoid of any coolness or intelligence which was abundant in the first half - its almost as if they were directed by two different directors !!
So in conclusion, give it a miss and watch The Incredibles again :)

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