The Mummy : Tomb of The Dragon Emperor

Lets say it wasnt the best movie of the Mummy trilogy. Actually thats being too polite - the movie sucked ! It has Brendan Fraser playing a dad to a 25 year old son (who is too cocky to be likeable - unlike the sidekicks in the Crystal Skull or Die Hard 4) - and lets face it, Brendan Fraser hardly looks 40 - how can he have a 25 year old son ? And as wifey points out Brendan was himself too self assured - he didnt have any of the goofiness that made him so endearing in the earlier movies or in Bedazzled.

The only laughs of the movie come from Brendan's brother-in-law Jonathan - and some of the mummy soldier antics in the final war. Rest of the movie is just trash - with no semblance of any sense or entertainment.

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